Find out all the latest news about welcoming Hong Kongers across the UK

Accountants working in kitchens, IT specialists working in warehouses: new migrants from Hong Kong struggling to bring their skills to the UK economy
A new study of the challenges facing some BN(O) Hong Kongers in finding employment and dealing with the cost of living in the UK.
by Heather Rolfe and Doriane Lau

Employing BN(O) Hong Kongers – what you need to know
A new guide for businesses and services looking to employ BN(O) Hong Kongers

Ministers joining Hong Kongers and welcomers to mark three years of BN(O) visa scheme
31st January 2024 marks the three-year anniversary since the UK Government opened a new visa route for British National Overseas (BN(O)) citizens in Hong Kong to move to the UK to live, work, and study. Since then, over 180,000 BN(O) visas have been issued. Government ministers Tom Tugenhadt and Felicity Buchan both addressed a 30 January London reception bringing together Hong Kongers and some of the many UK organisations that have been helping them to settle and integrate in the UK. The event, hosted by the Welcoming Committee for Hong Kongers (WC4HK), celebrated three years of the BN(O) visa scheme and also looked ahead to lunar new year celebrations in coming weeks.

Hong Kong migrants face challenges despite support - Survey shows need for proactive backing in settling and integration
New research published by British Future finds that this group of new arrivals is different in some respects from those who have come before, including from south Asia. At the same time, they are facing some of the same challenges.

New study finds Hong Kongers are here to stay in UK but need more support to make full contribution to economy
The most authoritative study to date of BN(O) Hong Kongers in the UK, covering issues including work, the cost of living, integration, belonging, language, location, future plans and the challenges that Hong Kongers are facing in the UK.
by Heather Rolfe and Thomas Benson

Event report: Labour Party Conference and Conservative Party Conference 2023
The work of Welcoming Hong Kongers is not only about Hong Kongers – it is also about how to create a more welcoming society for everyone new to this country. This year, we organised two panels with British Future to discuss this theme at the Labour and Conservative Party Conferences.

British Future and the Welcoming Committee for Hong Kongers are delighted to announce the appointment of Dr Krish Kandiah, OBE as Chair of the Welcoming Committee for Hong Kongers
British Future and the Welcoming Committee for Hong Kongers are delighted to announce the appointment of Dr Krish Kandiah, OBE as Chair of the Welcoming Committee for Hong Kongers.

Report from the Welcoming Hong Kongers Annual Conference 2023
Minister Felicity Buchan of the Department for Levelling up, Housing and Communities offered her thanks to all those “helping to welcome our new friends and neighbours from Hong Kong” to the UK, and to Hong Kongers “for choosing to make Britain your home,” as they gathered at the Welcoming Hong Kongers Annual Conference in London.

Migrants’ own decisions are the missing piece in Scotland’s migration puzzle
Last Wednesday (7 June) the Welcoming Committee for Hong Kongers, which is housed within British Future, held an event in Edinburgh jointly with Reform Scotland on the country’s immigration challenges, here’s what have been discussed.

How schools can provide the welcome that Hong Kongers need
Many migrants are motivated by the prospect of a better life for their children. People coming to the UK via the British National Overseas (BNO) visa route from Hong Kong are no exception. Hong Kongers want their children to succeed in school and in their future lives as British citizens. But how are schools responding to the challenge of welcoming and integrating migrant children, including recent arrivals from Hong Kong? Heather Rolfe, joint author of a new report by the Welcoming Committee for Hong Kongers on the topic, looks at how schools might do welcoming better.

Better understanding of why Hong Kongers are coming to UK could help schools integrate new arrivals, finds new research
The new report ‘New in class: How schools can help children and families from Hong Kong to settle and integrate’ published today by the Welcoming Committee for Hong Kongers, finds that schools in England have played a positive role in the integration of children from Hong Kong.

Hong Kongers and welcomers gather to mark 2 years of BN(O) visa scheme
Today, 31st January 2023, marks the two-year anniversary since the UK Government opened a new visa route for British National Overseas (BN(O)) citizens in Hong Kong to move to the UK to live, work, and study. Since then, over 140,000 Hong Kongers have arrived in the UK through this route.
Recently-arrived Hong Kongers and those helping them to settle and integrate in the UK gathered in London this week at an evening reception held by the Welcoming Committee for Hong Kongers.

Welcoming Hong Kongers Annual Conference 2022
The arrival of Hong Kongers could be one of the most important British migration stories of this decade – and an opportunity to reset how we think about making migration and integration work in the UK. The Welcoming Hong Kongers Annual Conference brings together those involved in welcoming to share insights from the first six months of the Welcome Programme and inform future work.