Find out all the latest news about welcoming Hong Kongers across the UK
Forum September 2023 (B): Collaboration with local authorities to support HKers activities
WC4HK serves to help coordinate the UK’s welcoming efforts across civil society, communities, business, education and government, and capacity and capability building for the welcoming groups. In the view of this, we surveyed the organisations engaged in welcoming Hong Kongers between July and August 2023 to understand more about priority issues, factors that enable and constrain effective welcoming, and the needs of organisations delivering welcoming work, and to enhance the understanding amongst the network, as well as for WC4HK to shape our future services.

Forum September 2023 (A): WC4HK’s stakeholder survey findings
WC4HK serves to help coordinate the UK’s welcoming efforts across civil society, communities, business, education and government, and capacity and capability building for the welcoming groups. In the view of this, we surveyed the organisations engaged in welcoming Hong Kongers between July and August 2023 to understand more about priority issues, factors that enable and constrain effective welcoming, and the needs of organisations delivering welcoming work, and to enhance the understanding amongst the network, as well as for WC4HK to shape our future services.

Forum May 2023: Supporting Hong Kongers in setting up and running small business
A survey in 2021 reveals that more than 40% of the Hong Kong new arrivals are interested in setting up their own business in the UK. This group of potential entrepreneurs could bring a positive impact to the UK’s economy. It’s been more than 2 years since the BN(O) visa scheme first launched. Some of the Hong Kongers have already set up their business in the country. You may find them from catering to fashion industry, from traditional Tuina treaphy service to cement handicraft products.

Forum April 2023: Welcoming work for Hong Kongers in other countries/regions
While over 144,000 Hong Kongers have moved to the UK in 2 years since the launch of BN(O) visa scheme, many Hong Kongers have also moved to other places to start their new lives. Popular destinations include Canada, Australia and Taiwan. Our April forum invited overseas organisations which support Hong Kongers to settle in to share their insights. It aims to learn from the overseas experience and understand what possible challenges the Hong Kongers may face during integration, to give the local welcoming groups some inspirations on current and future welcoming work for Hong Kongers.

Forum March 2023: Spreading the gains: attracting Hong Kongers to all nations of the UK
Hong Kongers’ priorities considering settling in location include the quality of local schools, the availability of good housing, low crime rates, good job opportunities and a relaxed pace of life (see report published by WC4HK). As a result, some areas of the UK have proven more popular with Hong Kongers while others have attracted relatively few and stand to miss out on the benefits Hong Kongers bring. The March forum aims to explore the topic of spreading the gains across all nations, specifically Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

Forum February 2023: Supporting Hong Kong Culture, Traditions, Language and Festivities
As part of the integration, not only are the Hong Kongers eager to be part of the local community, they are also ready to show the others about Hong Kong culture and traditions and contribute to the cultural diversity. A recent survey shows preserving Hong Kong culture and language to their next generation is one of the Hong Kong new arrivals’ major concerns.

English lessons help couple from Hong Kong build confidence and communicate with local people
Dixon and Rebecca had long professional careers in Hong Kong but when they moved to the UK on the BN(O) visa a year ago, joining their son who was already settled in London, their standard of spoken English was holding them back from re-entering the workplace and making friends.

Forum December 2022: Housing and cost of living
With no exception for Hong Kongers, cost of living is no doubt a top concern for households in 2022. It is even more pressing when it comes to the Christmas season. The December forum with the topic “Housing and cost of living”, explored various housing challenges faced by the Hong Kongers, and the difficulties faced amidst the cost of living crisis.

“To me they are my family, I will do anything to help” - story of Hong, Candy and Marlene
Hong and his wife Candy left Hong Kong in the winter of 2021, travelling over 6,000 miles to start a new life in Northern Ireland. As their second Christmas here fast approaches they are enjoying taking part in lots of festive activities from wreath making to admiring the indoor trees and lights, something that is a rare sight back in Hong Kong.
Forum November 2022: Health care
The November forum looked into one of the essential needs in our daily life: health care. Not only it is important for Hong Kongers to acquire the necessary information and be able to access the health care service, but also attention should be paid on their mental health, especially some may find difficulties upon migration and adaptation to a new country.
Wicky’s story - making friends with locals and supporting each other
When Wicky and his wife Esther arrived in the UK as ‘pioneers’ for their wider family to start a new life, they knew that being able to speak English and communicate with people would be vital for them to settle in. They also make friends with the locals at the community cafe they are volunteering.

Forum October 2022: Friendship and Buddying
Many welcoming groups have noticed the needs of the newly arrived Hong Kongers, and carried out some meaningful programmes to help them develop friendship and buddying. In the October forum, the Welcoming Committee for Hong Kongers (WC4HK) is honoured to have Michael Smith of Wales Strategic Migration Partnership to chair, and Kitty Ng from Colchester Life in the UK CIC and Nigel Paterson from Kings Community Church to share their experiences with our forum members.